"Are you really sure that a floor can't also be a ceiling?"
~M.C. Escher
I firmly believe that life is what you make of it and the situations that you stumble upon onyour path. There comes a point in life, at I'm not entirely sure it can be pinpointed, when you realize that all you need is a few really, really, amazing and fabulous friends in your life. It is almost always at that point when you also stop drawing over-dramatic people and situations into your life, or at least you want to stop.
I hear people complain all the time about how life is hard, things are never easy for them, they wish they could just get a break. If you are one of those people, then I'm glad you are reading this. Here's a little secret ... it doesn't have to be that way. The laws of attraction are at work for you, you get what you put out to the universe. Negative thoughts are your enemy, by negative I don't mean thoughts where you are constantly thinking someone needs to die, I mean that in which you have a negative basis to your thought. For example, you start feeling a bit run down and your first thought it is "Oh great, I better not be getting sick!" You don't even realize it but you have just put a negative spin on your thought. Your thoughts should immediately go towards what you want ... in a positive way. By saying "I better not be getting sick" you are actually sending out to the universe "I want to be sick". Still with me? Good. Try this instead: "I want to be healthy. I have this party to go to this weekend and I want to be able to make it." Now, go drink your 4 gallons of orange juice, take your Airborne tablets, get as much rest as you want ... just the same as you would have with your first thought, and chances are, if you believe that you want to be healthy and you aren't just saying it, you will not end up with that 3 month long cold that you get every winter.
The point is, you have to put your thoughts on positive. All of them. When you start to have a thought, consciously stop and think about what you are saying or thinking, then find a way to put it in a positive manner. Then WORK for it. Nothing is ever just handed to us, we all have to work for what we want, it's just a matter of how many road blocks you are setting up for yourself by your own thoughts.
The concept of the laws of attraction is not a difficult one to understand, it is, however, not always easy to put into practice unless you are making a conscious effort at it. You can free yourself from the gates you are gnawing at ... give it a try. Get a life coach, talk to the experts on the laws of attraction, do yoga, start meditating ... anything to put yourself in a better frame of mind about what life can offer you. You won't be sorry. I can guarantee that.