Thursday, October 25, 2012

Quote of the day ... Oct. 25, 2012

“If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, 
you'd best teach it to dance."
~George Bernard Shaw

I seen this quote the other day and fell in love with it.  We all know how hard it is to keep secrets about ourselves under wraps, partly the reason why I am such an open book about my life.  There are just some parts of life that people wish to erase, but why?  This has forever been a question in my mind. Why not try to learn from the occurrence?  Why have a heart full of regret and a head full of secrets?

Freud believed you could gain insight by making your unconscious thoughts conscious, meaning by repressing certain occurrences and making yourself believe that they never happened, you are doing yourself a great disservice.  In most cases, bringing to light the reasons behind what happened can often bring you to a place where you can live with the occurrence.  He believed the treatment process for many depressed and anxiety ridden beings was to go through a psychoanalytical healing process where repressed emotions and experiences are brought to the surface and dealt with on the conscious level.

This is not to say that if you have skeletons in your closet that you are depressed or have anxiety attacks, and it is also not to suggest that you need therapy.  However, if you are keeping skeletons locked away, and are in any way feeling the burden of them, free them, or, as Mr. Shaw suggests, teach them to dance.  The first step in any process of healing is always to accept that we no longer have control over what is ailing us.  The step is there, it's up to you to take it, it is also the hardest. But is well worth it.

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