Friday, October 19, 2012

Quote of the day ... Oct. 19, 2012

"Service to others is the rent you pay 
for your room here on earth."
~Mohammed Ali

How often do you help others? Do you help when you are asked? Do you offer help when you know someone is in need? You may not even realize it, but your every day actions may be helping another person.  I recently was told by someone that I was a mentor to them and I have met this person maybe twice, simply by my posts on social networks.  I was shocked, honored and a bit proud of myself as well.  Proud?, you may be asking ... yes, proud.  Proud because by me, just being me, I have, even if it was in the smallest form, help someone else become motivated about their own life.  Someone who is almost a stranger.  Think about that.  How many people are you really helping just by being ... YOU?  No matter how big that number, the point is you are being of service to others, whether it be mentally, physically, emotionally, near or far, you are helping people.  That is <insert whichever higher power you believe you in here>'s  plan.  To be of a greater good is to be of service to those around you as well as yourself. 

Even a smile can be the highlight of someones day, the uplift they needed, even if you don't get one in return.  Holding the door for the mother with the stroller so she doesn't have to struggle or helping that little old man who is having trouble getting his hands to work the way they use to.  It takes a very minimal amount of time to help another, and even if it takes longer then you anticipated or expected, remember that everything happens for a reason and the delay was to prevent you from choosing another path to go down at that particular moment.  Being of service to others brings us back to a point in time when things didn't move so quickly.  When life had meaning and people valued others. The more you help others, the better YOUR world will be.  Being the change you wish to see does not have to be on a global scale, it simply has to begin ... and end ... with you.  

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