Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Quote of the day ... Oct. 9, 2012

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

~Albert Einstein

Does your life sometimes seem insane? Do you find yourself looking for a different answer in the same spot?  

Sometimes we are too involved in a certain situation that we can't see the reality of the situation and we find ourselves going round and round in circles.  When this occurs, it is helpful to just step back from the insanity and look at it from a different perspective.  It is also good to accept when a situation has gotten so out of control that you cannot possibly get through it on your own.  When you have a situation in your life that has taken complete control and caused your life to be unmanageable, it is necessary to accept this fact, first and foremost, otherwise, you will never be able to get through it.  Acceptance is the first step to your path of sanity.  Most people who have something that is so controlling cannot just walk away without the support of others.

I have been in a situation where things were so out of control they seemed normal. I had people surrounding me telling me that I wasn't being reasonable, that I was only setting myself up for further pain, but yet, they stuck by me.  They didn't judge me, they didn't tell me that I needed to do anything. They were only telling me what they were seeing from their perspective. I thought they didn't understand, when in all reality, it was ME  that didn't understand.  I sought out the services of a support group, people who were also in the same situation would surely understand why I stayed in this situation.  As it turned out, I was both right and wrong. Thankfully, I gained enough strength to walk away from the situation and have found a much happier place in my life, but I never would have or could have done it on my own.  I have found strength by living one day at a time and by accepting that I am not in control by way of  the serenity prayer: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Turn your life upside down, completely change your course of action, take that sharp right when you should have turned left, but most important, seek the help of others when you need it. 

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