Thursday, December 13, 2012

Taking the magic out of Christmas ... and bringing it back. Part 10.

"Before I draw nearer to that stone, tell me! Are these the shadows of things that must be, or are they 
the shadows of things that MIGHT be?"
~ Ebeneezer Scrooge

Part 10 is dedicated to "Father Time."  I totally thought yesterday was Tuesday.  It wasn't until about 6:30 pm when I realized it was actually Wednesday.  I sat there trying to figure out how I lost a day.  It seems that time just passes us by sometimes, leaving us wondering "where has the time gone?"  Also seems to happen more frequently as we get older.  Maybe it's because life gets busier as we get older, we have more to worry about and feel like there just isn't enough hours in the day. 

In my opinion, this is why it is so important to appreciate the life around you and those in your life who you love and care for.  All too often people get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget to stop and appreciate.  Recently, I have been trying to be more attentive to everyone and everything around me.  I'm still learning about this thing called life and as each day passes me by, all too quickly, I strive to just be in the moment, to not worry too much about what is to come in following hours, days, months and years.  It takes a lot of stress out of your daily life to truly live in the moment. 

Have you ever seen or heard people talking about how they are going to hug their kids tighter that night they hear of a tragic accident?  I really just want to say to these people "Why wait?  Why does it take another person's tragedy for you to realize that you have, perhaps, gotten just a little bit too busy to just stop and appreciate?"  I rarely ever leave the house without giving my girls a kiss and telling them that I love them.  Each night before they go to bed, I tell them good night, kiss them, hug them and again, tell them that I love them.  I am CONSTANTLY telling my girls that I love them.  These are memories I am making with my girls to ensure they will remember it, not just some nights, but every night they are home with me and not just some of the time when I leave, even if I'm just running to the store, I do not leave the house without at least telling them that I love them.  So, I ask, why wait till you hear of something horrific to get you to hug your kids tight EVERY NIGHT?  Do it anyway, do it every night and tell them that you love them often, even if you are not a family that expresses this much or very well, perhaps now is the time to make that change.  It is also VERY important to laugh with your kids, just as it is important to cry with them when they are hurting and talking to them about life in a matter of fact manner so that they can make the best decisions possible.

The same thing can be said about that special someone in your life.  There's a few things I've learned over the years that are (or, rather, should be) important in any relationship.  First and foremost, if you love that person with your entire heart and soul, don't just tell them, show them, every day.  Live each day you spend together filled with as much passion (intimate and non-intimate) as possible.  Laugh. Often.  Snuggle. Frequently. Kiss. Passionately. Hold hands (I'm a sucker for that cute old couple who still holds hands as they walk down the street together - that is what I want to have when I am old, someone who will still hold my hand as we walk together). Understand each others morals and values. If they differ, find the common ground where you can meet in the middle so you don't lose yourself and begin to harbor animosity.  Know each others dreams and goals. Share them and help make dreams come true and support each other so goals are more obtainable rather then seemingly out of reach.  NEVER fight over money. EVER. Money is the purest root of all evil, it is a necessity, but not worth fighting over.  If you happen to find yourself in an argument, NEVER go to bed mad. Communication is key in every relationship. You need to understand where the other person is coming from, so stay awake to hear the opposing side, be Switzerland until it's your turn to plead your case, it's a good way to ensure your significant other will extend you the same courtesy.  And last, but certainly not least, Trust each other.  I cannot express how important trust is.  Once trust is lost, it is VERY hard to get it back and it's up to you to decide whether or not you think you will able to trust the other person.  Ok, so maybe that's more then a few things, but they are all very important in a relationship, in my opinion.

Life moves so fast and it's easy to forget to take care to do these things and one day you wake up wondering where the time has gone and how things have gotten to be where they are.  It's never too late to start taking the time to stop and appreciate.  Take life one day at a time, each moment at a time and make the best memories you possibly can.

When was the last time you took the time to just stop and appreciate?

Peace, Love and Light, 


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